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Robertsons Celebrate 60 Years of a Lasting Love of Compromise and “No Sprinting”

Evelyn and Hugholene Robertson celebrated their Diamond Anniversary on Saturday, November 11, 2023, at the DoubleTree Hotel in Jackson, Tennessee.

Evelyn and Hugholene Robertson celebrated 60 years of marriage, surrounded by family, friends, co-workers, and well-wishers on Saturday, November 11, 2023, at the DoubleTree Hotel in Jackson, Tennessee. They were married on October 13, 1963, which made the celebration their Diamond Anniversary.

The Robertsons both graduated from Allen-White High School in Whiteville, Tennessee and then continued their education graduating from Tennessee State University in Nashville, Tennessee. They both knew the other was the right person for them because of the integrity, honesty, sincerity, and faith in God they both displayed toward each other. Those qualities along with what they describe as key characteristics have remained strong for their marriage lasting over the decades.

Mr. Robertson shared some of those key characteristics, “A willingness to compromise, when necessary, always looking at the big picture,” said Mr. Robertson. “As marriages go, so goes the family. Strong families produce strong children, thus producing the potential for strong communities. Our communities, our state, and our nation is crying out for people with integrity, a moral compass and a clear sense of what is right and wrong. These values should begin with marriage and be disseminated through the family.”

Mrs. Robertson added, “Never sweat the small stuff, life is a marathon, not a sprint.”

Evelyn and Hugholene Robertson were married on October 13, 1963.

Later, the Robertsons returned to Hardeman County to work, live, and raise their family.

Mr. Robertson, a Whiteville native, had a 45-year career in education, as an administrator of behavioral health that included working as Commissioner of Mental Health for the State of Tennessee, and served as an Economic and Community Development Executive. In retirement he serves on several boards in advisory and volunteer roles.

Mrs. Robertson, a Toone native, had a 39-year career as an educator in the Hardeman County School System, teaching in several schools throughout Hardeman County. She also serves on various committees in the community and volunteers.

They are both active in their local church, Elcanaan Baptist Church in Whiteville, and appreciate living in a small town.

Family joined Evelyn and Hugholene Robertson as the couple celebrated 60 years of marriage.

“We love the small town atmosphere where everybody knows each other. The pace is manageable, opportunities abound to contribute to the human good, and children can experience the openness and vastness of space and enjoy the environment of a rural setting,” said Mr. Robertson.

When asked the advice they would give to a young couple considering marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Robertson shared some words of agreement.

“Take commitment seriously! Have the ability to disagree without becoming disagreeable. Recognize that relationships will have ups and downs, and challenges and obstacles are inevitable, but if there is commitment, these can be overcome. There is no perfect marriage, but it should be striven for every day. If children are involved, be cognizant of the impact of your behavior and your relationships on them.”

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