
Southern Fried Funeral to Open at the Arts Center

The cast of Southern Fried Funeral.

Southern Fried Funeral opens this week at the Hardeman County Arts Center (HCAC) as the last production of its 2023/2024 theatre season. The production has a little bit of drama . . . a little bit of craziness . . . and a whole lot of comedy, and you can be right in the audience witnessing all three that happen as the family members of Dewey Frye come together to mourn his loss and bury him.

SYNPOSIS: Dewey Frye is dead, and the rest of his family is left to pick up the pieces — that is if they don’t kill each other first. Not only does matriarch Dorothy have to contend with sudden widowhood, but she’s also faced with church-committee harpy Ozella Meeks sticking her nose in the family business, Dewey’s snake-in-the-grass brother making a grab for her house, and two grown daughters reliving their childhood rivalry. Funerals bring out the worst, the best, and the funniest in people, and the Fryes are no exception. A big-hearted comedy about family — Southern-style.

Tickets are $12 each and on sale online on the HCAC website, and in person at the HCAC box office {1580 West Market Street, in Bolivar} Wednesday and Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Thursday, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Tickets, if available, will also be on sale one hour before each performance at the box office. You may call (731) 658-2787 for more information and to purchase tickets.

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