Hatchie Press News

Motivational Speaker Inspires Whiteville Correctional Facility Inmates to Live Life of Purpose and Integrity

Motivational speaker, Barren Warren, shares his insights with inmates at the Whiteville Correctional Facility about the impact of positive male leadership traits.

CoreCivic’s Whiteville Correctional Facility (WCF) hosted national motivational speaker Baron Warren in honor of Father’s Day this year. Warren spoke to inmates at WCF about positive male leadership traits by which to aspire and model for their children. He also made stops at other CoreCivic facilities in Tennessee, Georgia, and Arizona.

Male inmates preparing for release attended a ‘1 Hour to Manhood’ training session, where Warren encouraged and inspired program participants to be leaders and to live a life of purpose and integrity.

“We are very grateful Mr. Warren shared his story with staff and residents at Whiteville,” said Chance Leeds, warden at WCF. “Mr. Warren’s message had an impact on employees and inmates alike. He reminded us of some key life lessons, like taking responsibility and leading with courage.”

Research shows an overwhelming percentage of incarcerated individuals are parents to minor children. Nearly 91.6 percent of incarcerated parents are fathers.

CoreCivic has multiple evidence-based fatherhood programs that encourage family reunification between inmates and families.

For inmates at WCF, fatherhood programming like StoryBook Dad and guest motivational speakers like Baron Warren support family reunification and reduce recidivism.

In StoryBook Dad programming, eligible Whiteville residents have a unique opportunity to develop or strengthen relationships with their children. Residents read a children’s book out-loud while being recorded on video. The book video recording, along with a personalized note from the resident-father, is then mailed to the children.

Studies repeatedly show meaningful communication with family members reduces recidivism and promotes successful reentry.

Learn more about CoreCivic’s Fatherhood-based programs and how they are helping more families reunite successfully.

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