Special Called Meeting Resolves Part of County Lawsuits {video}

The Hardeman County Commission called a special meeting on Saturday, August 24, 2024, to discuss lawsuit settlement offers.
Commissioners Bobby Hensley and Johnny Lanier were absent. Commissioner Chandra Lake participated remotely by telephone.
The hour long meeting brought resolution to part of the County’s lawsuits and the commissioners unanimously agreed on an offer to present to the plaintiffs in hopes of bringing even more resolution.
“I am so glad to have a resolution for this part of the lawsuit. The commissioners and legal team have worked very hard to resolve this suit. This lawsuit has been going on for many years and hopefully, now we can start to move forward with our county and heal the divide that this has caused our citizens,” said Hardeman County Mayor Todd Pulse.
You may watch the full meeting here to see everything that was discussed. Subscribe to the Hatchie Press YouTube channel to stay up-to-date on local meetings and events.
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