EducationHatchie Press News

SWHRA Head Start Pre-Registration Opening for 2025-2026


The Southwest Human Resource Agency Head Start program is now accepting applications for three and four-year-old children to attend Head Start classes beginning in the fall of 2025. 

The Head Start Program is designed for pre-school children of low-income families who are on or under the poverty guidelines. Head Start provides medical and dental services, nutritional services, family services, and educational experiences for the entire family. Disabled children are included as an important part of the Head Start program. Special provisions are made for children who may need special furniture, feeding utensils, equipment such as wheelchairs, braces, hearing aids, etc. There are no fees for any of these Head Start services or participation in the program for the children of families who qualify.

Pre-Registration in Hardeman County for the Hardeman County and Middleton Head Starts will be on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, January 29 – 31, 2025, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Pre-Registration will be held at the Hardeman County Head Start located at 525 Moss Lane in Bolivar and the Middleton Head Start located at 224 Roosevelt Road in Middleton.

Parents must provide the child’s birth certificate, immunization record from the Health Department or from the child’s physician, a copy of the child’s TennCare/Insurance card, and family income for 2024. To verify income, bring one of the following: W-2 form, Income Tax Form 1040, Pay Stubs, Written statements from employers or Families First Verification, and SNAP benefit letter.

For more information contact the Hardeman County Head Start Center at (731) 658-1803 and the Middleton Head Start at (731) 376-8216, Family Case Managers, Alisha Castillejos at (731) 608-9083, or Hannah Melson at (731) 608-9034.

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