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The WAY: Resurrection Day Returns This Easter, New Location and More Hardeman County Churches Join Effort

The WAY will be presented in the old Fred’s building in Bolivar.

The WAY: Resurrection Day has been sharing the story and love of Jesus Christ since it was first presented in 2016 by Parrans Chapel Baptist Church (PCBC). The interactive walk-through play experience created by PCBC returns this year as it partners with other Hardeman County area churches to present an event for all to learn more about Jesus Christ and His sacrifice during one of the most holy weeks of the year for Christians.

“Mt. Gilead was not able to join us this year, but the Lord did send a few other churches to help out.  Dixie Hills has always been very generous with materials, but this year they are loaning us their pastor! Pastor Jimmy Garrett is going to be one of the main characters,” said Matt Boatwright, PCBC Lead Pastor. “Antioch Baptist Church in Whiteville is also going to be participating. What a great blessing to have Pastor Jermaine Shaw and the brothers and sisters of that church help out. Porters Creek Baptist Church is also on board this year. Pastor Rusty Keltner and other members of that fellowship will be townspeople and group guides. Finally, to round out the team, Whiteville First Baptist and Pastor Tim Boyd have agreed to help us produce this event. What a great blessing to see so many churches come together.“

A scene from The WAY interactive walk-through play experience.

This is the fourth year The WAY has been presented in Hardeman County. In 2016, it was held during the Christmas season and hosted at Falcon Ridge Farm. In 2022 and then again in 2023, it was decided the focus would be on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which led to the event being moved to the period of Easter. This year, the resurrection continues to be the focus.

A significant change this year is The WAY is moving indoors and will be presented in the old Fred’s building. The new location and now being indoors has provided more opportunities for them in presentation. It will also allow more who want to attend to not be kept away due to weather or accessibility.

“This year as we began to pray about how this event might grow and change, we were presented with the possibility of using the Fred’s building,” said Pastor Boatwright who describes the opportunity as a blessing. “This year, the rain won’t stop us, the muddy parking area won’t slow us down, the cold won’t stop anyone from coming . . . because we are inside! We can even accommodate wheelchairs!”

Characters from previous productions of The WAY.

People who have seen The WAY in previous years, even as recently as last year, should know it will be a new experience with the changes that have been made.

“We have changed the scenes and even added one more. Even if you saw it last year, I believe that this will be a new experience for you,” said Pastor Boatwright. “Please invite a friend who needs encouragement, or maybe they have strayed away from the church.  Of course we have a great hope that people who have not accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior will find themselves at “The WAY” and that they will turn to Christ in saving faith.”

Pastor Boatwright and his family have been members at PCBC for 10 years. He was selected in late September 2023 by the PCBC parishioners to lead the church and preached his first sermon on October 1, 2023. Pastor Josh Clark, who previously was lead pastor, took a position in Arkansas in August 2023. Both pastors were actively involved in presenting The WAY and Pastor Boatwright wants to see that vision continue. He is excited about the opportunities that have come about for The WAY this year and hopes people from inside and outside of Hardeman County attend.

A scene from The WAY interactive walk-through play experience.

“We hope that all who attend The WAY: Resurrection Day will come to believe that Jesus lived, died on the cross to pay for the sins of all who will believe, and finally that they will believe in their hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead to defeat sin and death once and for all,” said Pastor Boatwright who continued and shared some scripture. “In John 14:6 Jesus said ‘I am the Way the Truth and the Life: no one comes to the Father but by Me’.” 

EVENT: The WAY: Resurrection Day
LOCATION: 105 Tennessee Street, Bolivar, 38008 (old Fred’s building)
DATE: Thursday through Saturday, March 28 – 30, 2024
TIME: 6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Pictures courtesy of PCBC.

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