
Town of Hornsby September 2023 Meeting

The Town of Hornsby met for its regularly scheduled monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 5, 2023.

Some of the highlights from the meeting include the following:

Water Policy Second and Final Reading { 2:13 }

All approved, except Wayne Isbell abstained { 2:50 }.

Ethics Policy { 3:08 }

The policy was put together in 2018 and never passed. A motion was made to accept the policy. { 11:50 }


The city has still not submitted its budget for the 2023/2024 fiscal year, which should have taken affect on July 1, 2023. { 15:33 }


Looking at getting another attorney. Considering someone local who is knowledgeable in municipal law. { 18:50 } Approved to terminate the lawyer contract. { 22:46 }

Water Department

The water department continues to be plagued by a number of issues that include a water rate study that must be completed by the end of December. The study takes several months to complete and cannot be started until after the 2022/2023 audit is completed and the 2023/2024 budget is approved by the State Comptrollers Office. { 24:08 }

Police Department

The police department again requested a replacement vehicle for the one currently being used that has performance issues. Mayor Vandiver suggested a motion be made to approve the purchase of another vehicle, but it was tabled when reminded that the budget needed to be passed before making such a purchase. Alderman Plunk questioned how the town could justify spending the money suggesting the needs of the town should be able to be met with the current vehicle. { 47:00 }

You may watch the full meeting here to see everything that was covered.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 3, 2023.

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