Vernon L. Spencer Celebrates 95 Years of Being Loved and Blessed

It was just four months ago that Mr. Vernon L. Spencer celebrated his 95th birthday surrounded by family and friends. And, still today, the memories of that evening are strong and ones he will never forget.
The theme of the party was “95 Years Loved; 95 Years Blessed” and Mr. Spencer chose the colors of pink and black to celebrate the occasion. The party décor was tractors, trucks, and vegetables on each table because Mr. Spencer was a farmer for many years and loved every minute of it.
More than 100 people from as far as Georgia, Maryland, Missouri, and Wisconsin, and as close as Tennessee came to celebrate Mr. Spencer on the momentous occasion. They included family members from both sides of his family, and friends who were former coworkers, neighbors, and church family.
The evening was planned well with a short program that included scripture being read, prayer, a song and birthday tribute, and special presentations and expressions of love for Mr. Spencer. A slideshow depicting his life played continuously during the event. There was also a moment for Mr. Spencer to share his life story with everyone.
Mr. Vernon L. Spencer grew up in Fayette County which he noted as being filled with hard work. He moved to Hardeman County following Civil Rights issues in Fayette County when he registered to vote in 1960. Many black sharecroppers like Mr. Spencer were evicted by their white landowners and displaced after exercising their right to register to vote, leaving them seeking refuge elsewhere. Tent City, in Fayette County, was established by a local black landowner to assist those sharecroppers with a place to live. {Whiteville Elementary School students learned and shared about Tent City in 2023}. Fortunately, Mr. Spencer and his wife were able to relocate to Hardeman County, find a home, and raise their family. Mr. Spencer later became known in Hardeman County by many selling home grown vegetables at the Bolivar Farmers Market.
Mr. Spencer and his wife Ruby Lee Spencer, who died in 2021, were married for 72 years. They are the parents of five children that include Oreatha Spencer Stennis from Nebraska; Doris Spencer-Gorie of Maryland; CSM US Army retired James E. Spencer of Tennessee; Ralph Spencer of Tennessee (deceased); and Eunice Spencer of Tennessee. Doris, James, and Eunice were able to attend the party.
He has always enjoyed meeting and talking with people. When asked what his favorite memory of living for 95 years, he commented, “Getting married and raising five children.”
His children all agreed about the lessons they learned from their father.
“He taught us to love God and one another; to pay our bills; not to fight (especially each other); mind our manners; and to stay away from drugs and alcohol,” said Eunice Spencer.
Mr. Spencer shared a bit of the same advice for the next generation.
“Be good, stay out of trouble, pay your bills, and go to church,” said Mr. Spencer.
Guests enjoyed a delicious meal of chicken/gravy, seasoned green beans, potato salad, fruit cups, salad cups, rolls, water, and sweet tea, all prepared by Heavenly Delight Catering.
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