Hatchie Press News

Veterans Program Honors Those Who Fought to Protect Our Rights {video}

Pictured are some of the veterans from Hardeman County, who were recognized at the Veterans Program.

The twelfth annual Hardeman County Veterans Program was held on Wednesday, December 4, 2024, at the Bolivar Municipal Center. As Vicki Ward Ridenhour promised her mother, Frances Ward, she has continued to hold the program each year to honor Hardeman County veterans.

The ceremony was created by Frances Ward to honor her husband, First Sergeant with the US Army (Retired) William T. (Rick) Ward, and other military veterans in Hardeman County for their years of service. After her mother’s passing in 2019, Ms. Ridenhour “took up the torch and ran with it”, and has been as committed as her mother in ensuring veterans are recognized.

“We want to show our support for our veterans and let them know how much we appreciate them,” said Ms. Ridenhour.

Ms. Ridenhour recognized veterans from World War II, the Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Storm, wars in Afghanistan, and all veterans from the six branches of the service, which include Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Navy, and Space Force, which was added in 2019.

The City of Bolivar Mayor Julian McTizic and Hardeman County Mayor Todd Pulse, both expressed their appreciation for the veterans. Pastor Melvin Bufford sang a few songs including his signature “Praying Time”.

Pictured (l to r): Tennessee State Representative Johnny Shaw, Town of Whiteville Mayor Gene Bowden, Vicki Ridenhour, Hardeman County Mayor Todd Pulse, and City of Bolivar Mayor Julian McTizic.

The keynote speaker for the program was Tennessee State Representative Johnny Shaw, who shared his thankfulness to the veterans. He also shared his appreciation for Ms. Ridenhour and her dedication in “keeping this program going”. Although Ms. Ridenhour is a bit more soft-spoken than her mother was, she commands the same amount of expectation from others when planning the event.

“I thought maybe it was Mother Frances that I couldn’t say no to, but I can’t say no to her either,” said Representative Shaw, referring to Ms. Ridenhour, who assigned him as the keynote speaker. “So, she fits right in. Vicki, we want to thank you for continuing this program. I think it’s a wonderful thing.”

The Veterans Program has traditionally been held in November at the National Guard Army, but was not available last month. Due to the need for a new location, the program was moved to December, which was quite fitting for it to be held near the commemoration of the anniversary of the Pearl Harbor bombing. The significance of the timing seemed most appropriate to Representative Shaw, who asked an important question.

“When is the right time to say thank you to veterans? It does not matter what day of the week, whether it’s cold or hot, whatever, it is always an honor just to say thank you for the services you all provided to us in this country,” said Representative Shaw. “You served your country. You served folk that you knew didn’t like you. You served people that perhaps even hated you, but you served everybody equally and did the job that you needed to do not only to keep us safe, but to protect our rights.”

Veterans Program Photo Gallery

Click arrow/swipe screen to see the slideshow.

Two other speakers included Sergeant First Class (SFC) (Retired) Frank Hazelwood, who served in the Army during World War II, and recently celebrated his 101st birthday. Sergeant Hazelwood shared some of his experiences as a soldier.

Kenneth “Bo” Lain with the VFW Post 2949 Bolivar Tennessee spoke and encouraged county veterans, especially African American veterans, to join the post and get involved. He also shared some of the projects the post has completed as an active service post and its purpose.

“We’re not a social club. We fight every day to get benefits for veterans,” said Mr. Lain.

Timothy Patton, who open the program by singing the National Anthem, closed the program with Lee Greenwood’s ‘God Bless the USA’, a song which has special meaning to him.

After the program, the veterans and their families enjoyed a meal, which was specially prepared for them.

Watch the full Veterans Program video.

If you are a Hardeman County military veteran who served in any capacity (or know of someone who did – whether they are living or deceased), the Bolivar-Hardeman County Library would like to add your picture to the “Wall of Honor” to recognize your service.

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