Hatchie Press NewsPolitics

City of Middleton Votes on Employee Insurance, Pay Raises, and More

The City of Middleton met for its regularly scheduled monthly meeting on Monday, August 21, 2023. Some of the items discussed include:

Fire Department Report – Chief Marcum gave the fire department report which included 16 calls, 14 in the county and two in the city, and one train derailment.

Police Department Report – Chief Bowden gave the police department report which included 2,009 complaints and activities, 11 traffic citations issued, five crash reports, three adult arrests, and one juvenile arrest. Chief Bowden asked the board to consider adding a fourth officer. A motion was made, seconded, and approved unanimously by the board to allow Chief Bowden to hire an additional officer.

Health Insurance Bids – Howell and Sons Insurance and The Malone Company submitted bids for the City of Middleton employee health insurance. Both bids were identical. Mr. Malone from the Malone Company was present at the meeting to present information and answer questions. The board voted to use The Malone Company as its insurance agent and to stay with the current insurance plan.

City Employees – Mayor Mott gave an update on a new employee hire. The board gave support for his decision.

Library – The library recommended adding Teri Yopp as a Library Board Member. The alderman approved the recommendation.

Employee Compensation – The board voted to make contributions to employee’s Health Savings Accounts and to give many city employees a three percent raise and library employees a six percent raise. The board also approved giving employees an annual longevity bonus. The bonus would be $50 per year worked.

Public Comment – no citizens were present to speak.

Click here to watch the full meeting and see everything that was discussed.

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