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Author, Humorist Susannah B. Lewis Kicks Off Ladies Ministry at Porters Creek Baptist Church

Susannah B. Lewis, author, humorist, and podcaster, spoke at the PCBC Ladies Ministry kick off.

Author, humorist, and podcaster Susannah B. Lewis was the keynote speaker for the Porters Creek Baptist Church (PCBC) Ladies Day program that was held on Saturday, April 13, 2024. This was the third year the event has been held at the church and the theme this year was “Women Who Walk with God”.

The program was the official kickoff of the PCBC Ladies Ministry that will begin meeting in May at the church. More than 100 women attended the program for a day celebrating them and worshipping the Lord with others.

Lunch included a meal of brisket, BBQ, baked potatoes, slaw, and cheesecake.

“We wanted to offer the ladies of our community an opportunity to worship the Lord together with food, fun, and fellowship,” said Tiffany Adams, PCBC App Administrator. “We hope that the ladies left feeling refreshed in their walk with God.”

More than 100 women attended the PCBC Ladies Day program.

Along with a day of refreshment and renewal, the ladies enjoyed a meal of brisket, BBQ, baked potatoes, slaw, and cheesecake that was served by the men of PCBC.

Ms. Lewis spoke addressing an audience that ranged from the youngest girl and the oldest lady of the church, both who were recognized with a bouquet of flowers.

Pictured (l to r): Teenagers to older women attended the program. The youngest girl and the oldest lady of the church were recognized.

Pastor Rusty Keltner has been the lead pastor of PCBC for one year and celebrated his anniversary on Tuesday, April 9, 2024. The Ladies Day program is just one of the many events held at PCBC where people may learn more about the Lord. Later this month, revival will be held at the church and May and June bring the first Ladies Ministry meeting and vacation Bible school, respectively.

Men of PCBC served the women who attended the Ladies Day program.

Other credits of Ms. Lewis are host of the K-Love produced podcast Moral of the Story, author of two Christian non-fiction books listed as USA Today bestsellers, and author of published articles in Parents Magazine, Reader’s Digest, and the Bible App to name a few.

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