The Neighbor Hub Coming to Bolivar

Bolivar, TN – Mayor McTizic met with non-profit organization leaders on Friday, July 29, 2022, to unveil a new community resource hub which will be known as The Neighbor Hub.
The Neighbor Hub has been a vision for the McTizic administration since his initial election in 2017.
“We have many great non-profit organizations and churches who help those in need in our community. What we do not have is a good system for knowing what those resources are and how to access them. We have basically been directing those in need by ‘word of mouth,’” said McTizic.
The development of The Neighbor Hub seeks to address that problem by centrally locating the non-profit agencies, organizations, and their resources. One of the largest obstacles that we have faced is a lack of space. Earlier this year, we acquired the building. Next steps in the process include remodeling the building, establishing a community support system, and the centralization of the resources. The building will provide community resource agencies and non-profit organizations with the brick-and-mortar space desperately needed to accomplish their mission.
An advisory board has been established to address the day-to-day operations of The Neighbor Hub. The City of Bolivar will be establishing a social media presence for The Neighbor Hub, so that we can begin to communicate the progress of the project to the public.
“While we still have a lot of work to do, we are extremely proud to see the project moving forward,” said McTizic. “We are asking all of our local non-profit organizations, churches, and agencies to communicate with us the type and availability of community resources that they are providing so that they can be included in the initial planning phases of The Neighbor Hub.”
If your organization or non-profit is interested in participating in The Neighbor Hub, please complete this quick survey to let them know how to reach you and what services your organization provides.
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