Grand JunctionHatchie Press News

DASH Diet Classes Offered in Grand Junction

DASH Diet classes are coming to Grand Junction beginning this week! The DASH diet is a dietary approach to stop hypertension. The free three- week class series will be held at First Baptist Church, 134 Washington Avenue, Grand Junction, Tennessee 38039.

Classes will be held on Wednesdays: September 7, 14, and 21 at 11 a.m.

Through this course, you will learn:

1) Foods that help lower your cholesterol and blood pressure.

2) Meal plans that help you make better shopping choices for your diet

3) Foods and beverages that raise our blood pressure and ways to limit these from your daily diet

Anyone with or without a chronic condition can benefit from this class!

Brought to you by the University of Tennessee Extension. For more information, e-mail Ms. Price of UT Extension at

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