
Josiah Clark Becomes a Champion Christian College Tiger

Josiah Clark is pictured with his parents and siblings.

Bolivar Central High School’s Josiah Clark became a Champion Christian College (CCC) Tiger on Friday, May 12, 2023, when he signed on the dotted line while surrounded by his family, coaches and teammates, and friends.

Josiah’s father, Josh Clark, who is the pastor of Parran’s Chapel Baptist Church led the signing with some heartfelt words about his son.

Bolivar Central High School’s Josiah Clark, surrounded by Coach Clint Barnes and his parents, signed to play baseball at Champion Christian College.

“It has been a joy to watch you mature and grow up and to watch you play ball through all the different jerseys and seasons . . . I do not know how many thousands of baseballs I’ve thrown to you. I am looking forward to seeing the next phase of your athletic career, but more importantly what the Lord is going to use you for.”

The signing is a moment that has been a long time coming and expected, although humbly, because of Josiah’s love of baseball.

“Josiah has dreamed of playing ball from the moment he could say the word ‘ball’,” said his mother, Brittney Clark, who also shared the hope she and her husband have for Josiah while at CCC. “It may sound cliché or ‘churchy’ but I guess our prayer has always been for Josiah to follow the Lord in whatever he does with all his heart, and to give the Lord his best. We hope he continues to grow in the Lord as he not only pursues ministry, but his education, and baseball as well.”

Clint Barnes, Head Baseball Coach at Bolivar Central High School, has coached Josiah since his freshman year. He has seen Josiah grow in skill over the years and believes Josiah’s love of the game is his biggest attribute he is going to bring to Champion Christian College.

Josiah Clark pictured with his coaches.

“His whole approach mentally to the game where he has constantly gotten bigger, faster, and stronger every single year. He has improved at hitting and fielding, and his overall feel for the game and his I.Q has improved. He has been an asset to the team and leads by example,” said Barnes who played football and baseball at Central High School before graduating in 2008. “The number one overall goal for any coach should always be to put their kids in a position where they can have a successful life, regardless of how their athletic or academic careers turn out. Signing today was the easy part. Now the real work can begin. The thing I look forward to seeing is how much Josiah learns over the next four years and I’m excited for him.”

Josiah who has two loves, baseball and Jesus, thanked everyone for coming to the signing, his teammates for their support, and jokingly coach Barnes for the long practices. He also thanked his Lord and Savior for giving him the ability to play the game he loves.

Josiah had some parting words for his teammates who he has enjoyed playing with over the years.

“Work hard on and off the field if you truly want to pursue not only baseball but anything,” said Josiah. “Keep Christ first. He loves you and if you don’t know Him and have a personal relationship with Him, He wants to know you and change your life for the better! Don’t give up! If you keep working, good things will come.”

Josiah Clark pictured with his Central High School baseball teammates and friends.

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