Hatchie Press NewsOpinion

Letter to the Editor: The Tax Man Denieth?

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An Open Letter to the Residents of Hardeman County 

Preparation begins this month (January 2025) for the 2025-26 county budget. In September of 2014 – the county attorney warned that the county would run out of taxpayer funds if county administration and commissioners did not change their ways (see video link below – start at 00:49). In 2014 the county attorney criticized the Hardeman County commissioners for being short sighted in their handling of county business [BBT 9/17/2014] and for not being diligent in their duties [BBT 10/16/2014]. Ten years later a federal judge gave the commissioners practically the same advice relative to labor violations made by county administration and ignored by county commissioners. Labor violations that were caused by being short sighted and not being diligent in duties.

Ten years later several of the 2014 commissioners are still seated having been reelected. In those ten years millions of taxpayers’ dollars have been wasted on attorney fees as a result of legal disputes and labor violations. In some cases the taxpayer paid ALL attorney fees – for both sides of a legal dispute. A
long term commissioner recently publicly claimed that no part of Hardeman County Government (HCG) was responsible for the labor violations. But the evidence and facts suggest otherwise.

Also in the past ten years a great amount of grassroots effort has been made to help the public to be better informed. An online news service has started which provides more timely news reporting plus live streaming and recording of public meetings. Several citizens have submitted public records requests to
state and local governments. While Hardeman County Government (HCG) has denied many Public Records Requests – at least some public records have been obtained and shared. Facts, truth, and accurate information has been shared through social media, email, and conversation.

So far, the several million dollars of needless cost has been spread over time. But a $2 million plaintiff award, understood to be a one time payment, is pending court review. Following the plaintiff award ruling comes the plaintiff attorney fees which may exceed the plaintiff award. Also likely to be a one time payment. The county will have thirty (30) days from court filing to make the payments. As budget preparation is underway this year – the public should be watchful for any signs of a proposed property tax increase. A property tax increase proposal may come from the budget committee or could be required by the State. If there were to be a proposed or required property tax increase – the citizens of Hardeman County should hold accountable those who are responsible. A property tax increase will affect ALL citizens of Hardeman County and requires a public hearing.

HCG has defied the county attorney’s advice given in 2014. HCG has defied the advice of a federal judge. HCG has ignored and defied most citizen input. It seems HCG has acted less as representatives of the citizens and more as a fraternity of secretive and closed minded individuals. To be fair – some of the newer county commissioners have conducted themselves more as representatives of the people and have been more open to input and reason. If a property tax increase were to be proposed or, worse yet, passed – the public should not accept any claims by HCG administration or commission that they are not responsible for its cause.

LINK TO VIDEO: [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYyjGi-KMIg&t=11s ]

Submitted by Bob Williamson

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