NFL Player LaTrell Bumphus Inspires Grand Junction Elementary School Students

After being named a Level 5 school, one would think there is nothing else that could excite the students and staff at Grand Junction Elementary School (GJES) anymore, but they would be wrong. Professional football player and Seattle Seahawks LaTrell Bumphus visited the GJES on Thursday, August 31, 2023, and the excitement was equal (if not more) in comparison.
LaTrell Bumphus’ visit to GJES was in conjunction with College Colors Day and students, faculty, and staff came dressed in the colors of their favorite college teams. Arrangements for LaTrell’s visit were made by the Communities In Schools® (CIS®), that has a mission to “surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.” The mission aligned well with the message Bumpus shared with the students and other guests about the importance of persevering to their dream and the importance of getting an education.
“I think it is good for me to come in person, because a lot of times you see stuff on tv. You know stuff is real, but sometimes you don’t know it’s real until you see it in person,” said Bumphus who had the opportunity earlier in the day to visit the students in their classrooms and sign autographs. “I wanted to come back and speak to the children to let them know they can do it too; fulfill a dream ‘coming from a small place’.”
Bumphus had a dream of playing professional football. A native of Savannah, Tennessee, he played at Hardin County High School graduating in 2017 and continued honing his skill at the University of Tennessee graduating in 2021 earning a degree in communications studies, and a masters in science in 2022. Although his mother, Melissa, did not want him to play football, she and her husband and LaTrell’s father, Keith, supported him throughout his football career.
“My parents supported me by making sure they were at every event they could make, even if it was hard or they had to work on Friday. They would still take me to the games and made sure I did not miss one. They found a way, because you only get to do it one time,” said Bumphus who credits much of his success to the support of his parents. “I think it is very important to support your kids through good and bad decisions. Children can learn from the bad too. Having parents who will stand by their sides at all times will go a long way.”
That “long way” lead to Bumphus signing with the Seattle Seahawks (#77) in May 2023 and being able to see a dream come true.
“Fulfilling a dream in the ‘league of one percent’, because it is about one percent of the people who dream about playing the sport who actually make it to the league,” said Bumphus.
“You do have to try to help your child fulfill his dreams. Don’t encourage them to do it for you, but to do it for themselves,” said Melissa.
The children listened intently taking in the words Bumpus shared. His dream was to play football and he let the children know they could dream big like he did and become anything they want. Bumphus stressed the importance of an education, which was extremely important to his family while growing up.
“My most important piece about today was talking about school. Everybody does not like school, but it is something we have got to do and it is very important. Once you get your education, they can never take it away from you,” said Bumphus. “With an education, they can be professional athletes, doctors, lawyers, and work in other professions. I want to show them that if they put their minds to it, they can do it!”
This is what it sounds like when you are a Level 5 school.
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