
Steven Gibson receives Vol State Award at Tennessee 4-H Roundup

The Vol State Award is the highest honor a Tennessee 4-H’er may receive.

Steven Gibson, son of Steve and Crystal Gibson of Toone, received the Vol State Award at Tennessee 4-H Roundup, held at UT Martin during the week of July 15-19. He has made numerous contributions to Hardeman County 4-H serving as his 4-H clubs president for several years as well as being a part of one state runner-up Meats Judging team in 2021 and a member of the state winning team in 2022, earning trips to Denver, Colorado and Manhattan, Kansas. Steven participated on many other judging teams including Livestock and Poultry. He is completing his service to the Western Region 4-H All-Star Council and just completed his term on State 4-H Council as Senior Representative, passing his jacket off to the successor at Roundup. Steven was also named a state winner in the Level II Food Science Project at 4-H Roundup, earning a trip to National 4-H Congress in Atlanta in November. He is already attending UT Martin and plans to complete his degree there with aspirations of becoming a 4-H Agent with the University of Tennessee Extension.

Vol State is the final step in Tennessee’s three-level recognition program . . . Honor Club, All Stars, and Vol State. The Vol State Award is the highest honor a Tennessee 4-H’er may receive. Members are inducted in an impressive candlelight ceremony on the final night of Tennessee 4-H Roundup. The purpose of this award is to give deserved recognition to 4-H members on a statewide basis who have particularly outstanding records in project achievement, leadership, and service in 4-H.

“The Vol State award is given only to 4-H members who are highly involved, have shown commitment to 4-H, and have reached the status of Honor Club and All Star members. This award is not one given lightly – it is only awarded to the highest level of youth involved in the program. It is a great honor for those who are initiated as it was to the youth who have come before,” said Lynne Middleton, Extension Specialist in the Tennessee 4-H Office, who coordinates the event annually at 4-H Roundup. “The group of 4-H members who are initiated into Vol State are the cream of the crop and our top members in the state.”

Steven was also named a state winner in the Level II Food Science Project at 4-H Roundup, earning a trip to National 4-H Congress in Atlanta in November. Also pictured; Catherine Gibson and Trinity Watkins, of Hardeman County, completed a portfolio and competed in the Level I Food Science Project.


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