Hatchie Press News

Town of Hornsby July 2023 Meeting

The Town of Hornsby met for its regularly scheduled monthly meeting on Tuesday, July 11, 2023.

Some of the highlights from the meeting include the following:

Water Department

Discussed ongoing challenges of billing water customers and also collecting payments on time from certain customers. Instead of locking the meters or turning them off, pulling the meter may be an option, which is cheaper than taking them to court for theft of service. Those customers would have to pay a connection fee to restore service. { 20:20 }

Pam is looking for more durable alternatives for water bill notices that are mailed to customers.

Police Department { 41:53 }

The police department gave a requested update of repairs needed for the patrol car. It is at about a minimum of $10,000 to fix to make it functional for him to do his job. It is agreed a new patrol vehicle is needed, but the question is where the money is going to come from.

Other agenda items included:

Street Department { 38:28 }

Internet { 57:35 }

Watch the full meeting here to see everything that was covered.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, August 1, 2023.

Read more local news by clicking here.

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