Hatchie Press NewsPolitics

Town of Hornsby Meeting – June 2023

The Town of Hornsby met for its regularly scheduled monthly meeting on Thursday, June 8, 2023.

Some of the items on the agenda included:

Water Department

– Three applications were submitted for the position of Hornsby Water Administrator. Alderwoman Heather Jo Moore nominated Pamela Parchman for the position. The alderman unanimously voted yes.

Street Department

– Discussion on fixing Parker Street.

Police Department

– Traffic court is scheduled for Thursday, July 6, 2023.

– Citizens concerned about kids playing in the street.

– At the end of the meeting, the police chief asked for an update on a proposal he submitted two months ago for a new police car. Plunk stated everything was at a standstill due to the [lack of] budget.

Fire Department

– No discussion.


– Considering switching to Aeneas.

Many items were discussed that were not on the agenda, some of which included the lack of a budget, lack of an audit, comptroller investigation, possibly firing the town attorney, possibly hiring a new CPA, and missing town policies and the need for them to be rewritten. Watch the full meeting here to see everything that was covered.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, July 11, 2023.

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