
Who Should Be the Next County Mayor? Take Our Poll

Hardeman County residents will have the opportunity to cast their votes for the mayoral candidate they believe will best represent the citizens and manage the needs of the county. If you had the opportunity to watch the first mayoral debate and listen to the second one, you may have already decided who you believe will best serve in the role of Hardeman County Mayor.

Both debates allowed citizens to get a clearer picture of three of the four candidates running for the office of county mayor. In the first debate, candidates answered prepared questions, which means they had time to think about the answers they would give on the night of the debate. With the second debate, candidates were given the opportunity to ask questions of each other, of which none had knowledge would be asked. The preparation by the candidates for each debate as well as their responses revealed much about the character of the person and how they may handle similar situations.

What questions do you wish would have been asked of all candidates? What questions do you have for individual candidates? Share those questions in the comment section below (at the bottom of the page).

Also, take our poll and let us know who you believe will do the best job as Hardeman County Mayor.

Early voting begins on Friday, July 15.

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7 thoughts on “Who Should Be the Next County Mayor? Take Our Poll

  • Todd , how can you say you’re conservative and run as a Democrat ?

  • The diligence and persistence Mayor Hedwall has in pursuing the Founding Fathers’ vision for freedom and power of “We the People” is admirable and needed in our county. Government was not established to micromanage or surpass other Constitutional bounds of control. The fact that Mayor Hedwall is seeking out prior injustices created by current and prior administration and seeking to better the community financially and dismantle overbearing laws is imperative to a successful county. I look forward to Mayor Hedwall’s representation of We the People of Hardeman County!

  • I listened to the 2nd mayoral debate. Not only did Ms. Hedwall not have answers for the other candidates, she didn’t even have questions of her own to ask the other candidates. Her “no comment or no response” shouted out to me that she would be completely inadequate as our County Mayor.
    Todd Pulse, I like as a person, but I do not think he would make a good mayor.
    I think our present mayor has done a good job overall. Everyone is not going to agree with every move that is made in the office. No matter who has the job, there are going to be folks who disagree with the decisions being made, especially if it doesn’t affect them politically nor positively. Everyone can’t have their own personal cake and expect to eat it too.

  • Mayor Hedwall has a foundation that is so far against Mr. Saine and Mr. Pulse.
    Even the questions that were asked, were skewed against what our founding fathers would have ever thought government would have been involved with.
    Why should she answer such jaded questions.
    Good for her.
    Also, why didn’t her two opponents directly answer any of her questions?????

  • The second debate’s questions were so far afield of everything Megan and our founding fathers envisioned for our country that it is no wonder why she refused to get involved.

    Imagine if you were asked, “have you stopped beating your wife?” Are you going to answer “yes”, are you going to answer, “no”.

    Megan is smart enough to not take this kind of bait. Good for her. Despite what John B. might say, above, the premise for this debate was set against her from the get-go and she knew it.

    (btw my first comment wasn’t published – hopefully this one will be).

    Megan is honest, she is a true American, she is fiscally responsible, and she recognizes that she is no one to tell you how to run your business.

    She deserves our vote.

    • Megan and Aubrey care what happens to this community. Outstanding citizens. Todd is a great person as well, it says he’s running as Democrat that’s enough to detour anyone, especially if they voted for Biden. 1 thing is for certain and 2 things are for sure Megan and Aubrey don’t just talk the talk, they walk the walk. No FAVORTISM shown.. most candidates sugar coat to get elected. Megan and Aubrey are not about sugar coating and action is shown. My opinion Megan did great in Hornsby brought it out of debt. Aubrey did great when he was over Whiteville, plus he has a Well drilling business and last I knew works for USPS. They get involved. My opinion.

  • The way these numbers changed it looks like the Clintons and Bidens brought Pelosi and Fauci to Bolivar for lunch about 2am. Democrats at play.

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